Sunday, August 11, 2013

Flagstaff EXTREME Weekend

While we were on vacation I picked up an AZ Highways magazine to read while we were traveling with mom & dad.  There it was in that dang magazine - a new adventure!  Flagstaff Extreme, it's literally a playground for the "young at heart" in the TREE tops of the forest.  I ran the idea across our hiking partner, and of course, he says he had heard about it and wanted to do it.  So we did a shout out to our hiking group and got at least one other "crazy" to join us.  It was a blast!  Here's some pictures.  If you are ever wanting to get out of the heat, think Flagstaff and do this obstacle course.  Here's the link to learn more about it

You are fitted in these lovely harnesses (looked rather painful for the guys), given an "orientation" and safety course.  And the staff literally encourages you to be like gladiators & shake the cables when your "pals" are trying to get across!!

Beginning pictures (notice how everyone looks so happy!)

Dain, Kent and Dave
And the fun begins (so they say)

Dain shouts to me "Lil turn around so I can take your picture" Yeah right!!
Dave zip lining - he did it with one arm! Always a show off in the bunch!
 That was all the picture taking of our group that could be done.  You are too busy climbing, hanging, swearing, shouting etc. to take many pictures.  On the way back to CG today, Dain and I decided to stop and take some pictures of the course.  The people in the photos below are "unknown" to us, they were just going through the course when we stopped today.  If you ever feel like getting out of the heat, and want a physical and mental challenge, stop by this place, it was awesome FUN.

It was a great weekend in Flagstaff, we exercised every muscle in our bodies.  Not only did we do this course, we went on a mountain bike ride this a.m.  A "real" mountain bike ride....not a "sissy" forest service road.  It was a blast, I just may have to get out on that mountain bike again!!