Sunday, November 17, 2013

November Hike - Passage #22 of the AZ Trail

Bushwhacking most of the day!! :(
Our fall hike felt more like a winter hike!  We began at Sunflower, where we left off last month, and hiked (well Kent hiked) from there up to the Mt. Peeley trailhead.  Since we returned back to Sycamore Creek, the fall colors were still plentiful, so I took some more pictures down there.  We then headed up the mountain to begin our hike down towards Kent.  The plan was to meet him somewhere along the way, and hike back with him to the vehicles.  Needless to say, the trail on our end was not very well marked.  We wandered all over, what appeared to be trails, but never could find a definitive trail.  With all the techy gadgets Dain has, I was a bit frustrated.  He finally did admit it was his fault for not sitting down and figuring out how to use that fancy Garmin, he begged for!

Before we left the house, I asked Dain if he was going to take a jacket, and his quick response was NO.  When I took my gear outside, it felt chilly so I grabbed a jacket, and a pair of long pants, and boy was I glad I did.  Dain was too, he ended up wearing my hoodie, that I offered up to him.  I really didn't think he'd take it, but he literally snatched it out of my hand!

Mt Peeley trailhead is at an elevation of about 5500 feet, that's pretty high for us desert dwellers.  We ran into dense fog driving along the ridge, wondering how Kent was doing on the other end.  We got a few sprinkles, but nothing too significant.  We all bundled up, and began our hike.  We wandered around that wilderness for quite a few hours, enjoying the creek, with running water!  That's always a treat for us, when we see water on our hikes.  The area was burned last year during the Sunflower Fire.  The vegetation is coming back, and we did notice from all the bear scat around, that the bears are still in the area.  We also noticed TONS of acorns, uneaten, fallen off the oak trees, so maybe the squirrels, haven't returned to the area yet.  It is still beautiful out there, and the fire damage is not as shocking as you might think.  The manzanita brush was pretty much burned up, the bark on them at this time was bright white, and they looked beautiful in the daylight.  As usual I took tons of pictures of the fall colors, and even saw a few trees with the deep RED colored leaves, my absolute favorite!  I had to dig out my zoom lens, and get a few fairly decent photos of the trees, way down in a canyon.

The Manzanita - what's left of them

Looks more like winter!

Low hanging clouds

These trees had the biggest leaves I ever saw!!

There were acorns everywhere!!! And Kent never saw them....

A lot of steep climbing

Manzanita - they looked almost silver in color

These little flowers looked like red chili peppers

This little daisy doesn't realize it's fall!!

 These photos are from Sycamore Creek
Sycamore Creek

 These are from up at the top Trailhead of Mt Peeley

Red leaves - my favorite ones!

Hiking pal - Ernie

Hiking Nut - Kent

I think Dain has claimed my hoodie as his own!

The sun came out every now & then

When the sun peeps out, it makes for some nice photos

Too funny....
 I absolutely LOVE the fall!  The colors are so beautiful, and the air is crisp & clean.  This time of year, wipes away all the BAD time of summer!

Cloud shot, not too bad considering it was taken out of a moving (fast) vehicle

Monday, November 11, 2013

October 2013 - Flew by Fast!

Well I have to admit - the older I get the FASTER time flies by.  October brought us a few adventures.  Dain and I went on an 80 mile (yes 80) bike ride!  It was down in the Sahuarita area, by the San Xavier Mission.  Our first time riding that far.  It was challenging to say the least.  The wind was terrible, but all in all the ride was fun.  I did not get any pictures since you are on a bicycle, trying to get to a destination in a certain amount of time.  We did have time to tour the mission the day before, and we also rode through some beautiful towns out past Tucson.  Green Valley, Amado, Tumacucari.

Our hiking group has started up again.  And our first fall hike took us to the Frazier Trail, near Roosevelt Lake.  Growing up near Roosevelt, I guess I always took it for granted.  It is really beautiful over there.  You also start appreciating things more when you "mature."

Our friend Kent is still working on completing his AZ Trail hike, his blog is here:  So our next few hikes of the year are to accompany him on his great bucket list adventure.  Here's some pictures of our hike and the surrounding areas.  To learn more about the AZ Trail  It's a pretty neat trail, and actually Dain and I worked on part of it near the Florence/Kelvin highway area!  To think - we built part of a trail that will bring hikers from all over to enjoy!  That's kinda cool....

Me (Dain had HIS camera)

View from trail - Roosevelt Lake Marina

This hike gave us awesome views of the lake the entire time!
Water break - and a funny story to boot!  We always thought it was SO nice that Kent worried about how much water we took with us - well when we are ready to leave him for his journey (45 mile hike) he asks us if we have any water we want to "give" him!!  Hahaha at that point we realize we are "water donkeys" for him.  We left him with our water & he strolled off into the sunset!

Roosevelt Dam - the "original" road you used to cross is where the lower bricks are rugged!

The NEW way you cross the dam!!

Here's a good view of the old road (lower dirt road) and the new highway....progress!

After we hiked, we drove over to Sycamore Canyon, to leave a car for Kent to get home with!  He was out on the trail for 3 days.  And the fall colors were in full force!  I love the fall - to me to see those golden leaves is like our gold medals for making it through another HOT summer!!  God is so good to us, with all his beauty!

Fall - my favorite time of the year! 

We walked down to the creek

I couldn't get enough pictures!!  I truly do love the fall colors....
Our next hike is next weekend (11/16/13)  Another part of the AZ trail we'll hike.  From Sunflower to Mt. Peeley.  I'm glad to have formed some friendships, with people who love the great outdoors just like we do.  Look for my November post.  I'll try to really post it in November!