Thursday, June 13, 2013

3,445 miles later we are back in Miami, AZ!!

Jackson, Wyoming to Salt Lake City, Utah
These last few days have been spent literally on the road.  The ride from Jackson, Wyoming to Salt Lake City, Utah, started out slow.....
Right outside of Jackson

Cattle round up - traffic was stopped

Scrappy little deer

Fierce guard dog on duty
I truly fell in love with Wyoming, it is full of greenery & water!  Rivers, lakes, ponds, critters every where you look.  BUT I bet it is FREEZING in the winter!  The rest of the ride to Salt Lake City was fast and
furious.  We rode on this freeway, that went downhill at about 80 mph; and as you begin there was a road sign that warned of it being a DEADLY freeway, and the # of fatalities it has had.  That made me totally scared, so I got a blanket, and covered my head, and just closed my eyes!  Mom and dad thought that was the funniest thing, but really it was scarey.  When we arrived at the hotel my sister Anna came to visit.  And what does she say?? "I can't believe you guys went on that freeway, it is one of the deadliest roadways in the country!"  We saw 3 dead deer, 1 dead racoon, and 1 critter that wasn't recognizable!  :(
Utah - we went out for dinner, dad ordered a "drink" and he got carded!

Nice dinner & yummy dessert with Nanny Goat!


Utah - spring time flowers

Utah - pampered elk

Really guys....

Southern Utah

Southern Utah
Southern Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah to Page, AZ
None of us had ever been to Southern Utah, it is really neat.  The sandstone walls everywhere.  It was a beautiful drive back in AZ.  We stayed in Page, AZ for the night before heading home to Miami, AZ.  A bonus stop was Glen Canyon Dam.  Again - all 4 of us had never been in the Lake Powell area, it is beautiful, looks pretty prehistoric terrain.  I bought a hiking book for the area - there is a lot to explore.  The area is also a photographer's paradise.  The landscape is just AWESOME!!
YAY!!  But it's a dry heat.... ugh
Lake Powell
Dain and I walked across the bridge, it shakes when a big rig goes over it!
My favorite dinosaur!
Dad and some movie star!!!
Cars parked down at the bottom of the dam

Page, AZ to Miami, AZ  We drove through many northern AZ towns today, to get to Miami.  Tuba City, Flagstaff, Camp Verde, Pine, Strawberry, Payson....  BUT we noticed all these cyclists around Page & Tuba City area, even in Flagstaff, we came to find out it was riders in the Race Across America.  It's a bike race that begins in Oceanside, CA and ends in Anapolis, Maryland!  And they do it in about 2 weeks - 3000 miles!!  So my assigned task was to try to get some pics of the riders, going down these 2 lane highways going at about 65 MPH!  There is very little shoulder room for these guys to ride in.  And there are RV's, boats, Californians in a hurry, tourists, AND construction going on.  I managed to get a few pics.  Here's the link to read more about this gruling bike race  Dain was able to drive the car and DROOL at all the bikes & tires being carried on the roofs of the rider's support team!!  It was pretty neat (I guess).
They are riding in the WIND Dain!!!
I have never been so happy to see Roosevelt Lake - we are close to home!
Roosevelt Lake (water level is low)

Roosevelt Lake
We made it safely to Miami, unloaded all our treasures.  Man we came back with a lot more than when we left.  We hardly have any room for Sadie!  This was a great trip, we had a great time, saw a lot and missed a lot.  My next summer vacation wish will be to spend an entire week in Yellowstone!  Gonna book it now!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cody, Wyoming to Jackson, Wyoming via YELLOWSTONE & GRAND TETON National Parks

Since we began planning this trip all mom would say was "I just want to see a bear".  Everytime we got in the car we'd hear the same thing!  Our stays in these quaint little towns have been nice, we did not have enough time to tour the historic downtowns, but we did manage to take our time through Yellowstone National Park!  AND boy was it worth it.  Dain has been great AND very patient.  He stopped often, so I could snap pics of my loves - water & CRITTERS.  To be quite honest, by the time we left Yellowstone, I was feeling a little "yellow around the gills."  The forest is so THICK and the water so frequent, right at the shoulder of the road at times, it was making me very claustrophobic.  But I made it through and did not yak!  As soon as we got into Yellowstone, the picture taking began!  First off, right outside of Cody, there was this HUGE dam and lake.  The ranger there said this lake has all species of trout.  So close to a fishin' hole and me without a pole.  Here's those pictures:

Here fishy, fishy!

There was a dam tour, but we opted out since we had a LONG day ahead!
Off to Yellowstone we go!  And what does mom say, "all I want to see is a bear...wah wah wah"
We all acted like we NEVER saw water before!!

Waterfall near the entrance

"Mira que nice!"  Tata's favorite saying on this trip.

Lots of snow still....I don't think it ever melts.

There's the buffalo we heard so much about!

Another lake!  Water every where you looked
We always laughed because we felt like we were on a tour bus, "Get on the bus, get off the bus, take pics, get back on the bus, off the bus.  Sleep, and then get back on the bus off the bus.  We did actually follow a tour bus!  And then it was really hilarious, because we were truly on a "bus route."  Okay back to pics.
These geysers are everywhere & they STINK.  Sulphur smell reminded me of Miami, AZ

This was the first critter we saw inside Yellowstone

These guys riding the rapids on a swiftly moving river

Pelicans - I found it strange that there were pelicans here! 
Geese, from a distance I thought it was a herd of deer or elk.
Then we really saw some elk!  Pretty big ones.  We learned that when there were tourists stopped on the side of the road, and running with cameras, there was something to see!  You really have to be careful, because most people seem to forget they are crossing a road!  Pretty crazy.  Anyways, this is what they were running to see.
ELK, for those of you who don't know your wildlife!

Still in felt

These two gals, were playing chase!
The antlers you saw earlier belonged to him, he finally stood up!
Okay, the bus driver had to drag me away from this photo stop, he said we had a lot more to see!  And dad said he wanted to see OLD FAITHFUL.  He's read so much about it, he had to see it.  So off we go..(again)!  Get in the bus....
We made it to Old Faithful, FINALLY!  Then we saw what a walk it was to get there.  Dad did his best, and he did make it to the seating area.  AND I tell you what - as we sat there waiting, it was like watching paint dry.  I was thinking, "really we are waiting here to see this?"  But once it happened it was well worth the wait.  Every nationality was represented there I'm sure.  People from all walks of life, waiting to see!

We sat and stared at this for about 45 minutes....really??
Then it started!
Dain started a TRAFFIC jam when he pulled over because he saw these gals, sunbathing on the side of the road! Ha Ha Ha.
And then there was MORE water!!  And everybody wants their picture taken by the water.  Geeze, we must be from AZ and not used to water.
OK, so that was Yellowstone, and it was GREAT, and late!  And we still had approximately 50 miles to travel to Jackson.  It was getting to be dusk, and I was a little scared - I did not want to be traveling through the forest in the DARK!  Mom was still whining, "I want to see a bear."  She called her girlfriend, and whined to her too!  She decided she would have to go back home, and see a bear at Horseshoe Lake in the White mountains.  We then entered the Grand Tetons National Park.  I suddenly overcame my weariness about getting off the road before dark.  It was GRAND, beautiful jagged mountains.  I begged Dain to let me stop and take some pics, and he so graciously allowed me to take some pics.

OK, photos out of the way and off we go!  Still no bear, and then we see a few cars up ahead stopped, but then Dain says BEAR, there's a bear!  We pulled over safely, to a designated spot, and grabbed my camera, and off I went!

A grizzly bear!  It was awesome.  He wanted to head towards the road, but changed his mind.

This is the grassy area he was at, willows and sage brush.  I guess they hunt in here early summer because the elk hide their calves in these tall grasses.
We made it to Jackson, Wyoming!  It was LATE.  WAY past my bedtime.
Ok so mom got to not only see a bear, but a grizzly bear!  How can you top that?  I did not expect to see a bear, much less a grizzly.  And to see the terrain it was in, I was surprised.  Jackson is a very touristy spot, reminds me of Telluride, CO.  Pricey, lots of tourist, and mountain bikers everywhere.  The town provides you with an orange flag, to wave as you cross the street, so you don't get hit by a car!  We have landed safely in Salt Lake City, UT.  We're going to have dinner with Nanny Goat (my sister), and then we head west to Page, AZ spend the night, and get back on the bus.....