Monday, June 3, 2013

Pikes Peak - 14,110 ft elevation. 41 degrees with windchill of 29

(Just a note in case you are not familiar with looking at blogs, you can click on the pictures for a larger view)
The journey up to Pike's Peak was AWESOME.  We rode the Cog Railway.  But first we saw this staircase going up a peak, it is called Manitou Incline, 2000 feet of elevation within a mile.  Learn more about this awesome workout here:
I put my zoom lens on & took this from parking lot
It is truly spring here, there are so many lilac bushes everywhere.  They smell wonderful.  Here we are in front of one of those bushes.

It's time to board the train & head up over 7000 feet.  Here's the train we are riding.

We had to stop at this point to let the other train pass us, the train coming down has the right of way.  They named this right - it was windy & the COLD began.

The views from the top were breathtaking (literally).  They sell oxygen at the depot.... Mom bought some just in case.  She didn't need it Thank GOD!.

Lakes everywhere I looked

Really Dain - shorts????

This is as close to the edge as I would get

This is how close knucklehead gets!

Me trying to take "fancy" pics

6' of snow

Me - just to document I actually was there

Here are some folks that enjoyed the Peak in their own ways.

Hiker Guy - I think it's Kent !?!

This couple made it up in 5 hrs.  They were EXCITED!

Down Hillers ONLY
Skis really? At least they have helmets!

So these folks have inspired me to add a hike of Pike's Peak onto my bucket list!  As well as climbing those stairs!  Life is truly an adventure.  Here's more info on the railroad:

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