Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mt Rushmore - FINALLY

Well after a week of traveling we finally made it to Mt. Rushmore!  What a great journey it's been.  The monument is tremendous.  I found myself saying "this is wow, where to me the Grand Canyon is WOW."  The others disagreed they found this to be WOW.  Once again, dad said to me, "Grand Canyon is God Created, where this is man created."  He's so wise!  We stayed ALL day and then went back at night for the lighting ceremony and lowering of the flag.  My night pics did not turn out well at all.  I took so many pictures, and I cannot possibly post them all on here.  Dain and I went on the trail walk, while mom and dad went to the museum.  We each had our own time to spend there.  It was truly spectacular.  You leave there more educated on America and very proud to be an American.

Peanut Gallery

Highway View

The man who created the sculpture

Along the trail there was a spot where you could see each president

The original model used by the workers

View from the studio where they worked from

Beautful fireplace made by the workers on site

Another fireplace

More stairs, really????

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