Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fort Collins Historic Downtown

I can't say it enough, this city is the BOMB!  I told Dain we should pack up and move over here.  Beer, bikes and fresh air.  Everything is so GREEN.  Dad reminded me with this "What is green now, is white in January".  Haha.  The town is so bicycle and doggie friendly.  There are bike racks and dog bowls with food & water, all over town!  (Sorry Sadie girl, I didn't know)  Even the hotels we have been staying in are pet friendly.  Here's a few pics of downtown.  It was nice to walk around the streets and not melt!  I could get used to this real quick!
A bike library - you can literally check out a bike!

Dain is in HEAVEN right now!

Walk friendly city, love it!

Dog bowls around town - water & food for the doggies

These bike racks are all over town

Bread pudding for 4

We could NOT finish it!

Our plans now are to BLAST through Wyoming tomorrow and land in South Dakota.  We will be staying at Ellsworth AFB, military housing.  It will be a LONG travel day tomorrow, so probably no blogging.

NOTE: Seating arrangement is guys up front & gals in the back!  Talk about fun times for Dain, TWO female backseat drivers!  It's been a blast!  Mom and I are hanging on for dear life!  Dain zips us through the freeway at lightning speeds!

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