Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Denver - Coors Field Tour

We left Colorado Springs and headed north to Denver.  Dain really, really wanted to tour the stadium and get a hat!  Downtown Denver is pretty neat, busy but cool.  We made it in time for the last tour of the day, with 5 minutes to spare.  Dain & I did the tour, mom & dad hung out at the local pub.

They sure aren't DBacks fans in this here stadium!

This is for you Carson!! :)

Club House (visitors)

And men say women are high maintenance, really?


On the field, right "on the edge" of the grass. DO NOT TOUCH THE GRASS!

Wow, I'm in the dugout

An "official" phone, pretty dang cool

After the "QUICK" stop in Denver, we decided to travel north to Fort Collins.  We went downtown for dinner, this place is pretty neat.  I have a feeling we will be staying here for a few days.  There's shops, historic district & BIKES GALORE.  This is a true biking community.  We may not come back to AZ.  More on Fort Collins later, it's bedtime, busy day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Those cartoons made me laugh out loud! I will show Carson the Mickey tonight.
