Saturday, June 8, 2013

Crazy Horse Memorial

After Mt Rushmore, we decided to take a look at another monument being sculpted in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  It is in honor of Crazy Horse.  This is a work in progress, and is HUGE!  To put it in perspective, the entire Mt Rushmore sculpture can fit just in the "hair" section of Crazy Horse.  Like I said it's a work in progress.  The artist was an assistant to the guy who created Mt Rushmore, so he was familiar with how to sculpt on rock.  There is no government funding, or grants for this project.  That is why it is taking so long to complete.  It is a family who is doing this work.  Their father has passed away, so his wife & children have taken on this project.  They live & work right on the property.  Learn more about this work of art here,  Here's a few pics from this place.  It was really neat & interesting.  Dad said maybe in Carson's lifetime, this project will be completed.  They have been working on it for years, and is no where near completion.

 This was a huge gate, and the cutouts in the gate, are artwork the artist's kids & grandkids had drawn, and he cut them into brass pictures.  Then welded them onto this giant gate.  All are wildlife pictures from the animals in South Dakota.  Very beautiful, I should have taken a pic of the entire gate too.
 This is a brass sculpture of how the finished mountain one will look one of these years.
Chan's cat.

The other peanut gallery.
We have decided we are a LONG way away from home.  The traveling itinerary is: Sunday travel to Cody, Wyoming.  Monday Cody, WY to Yellowstone, spend the day there & then head to Jackson, WY.  Tuesday, Jackson, WY to Salt Lake City, UT, Wednesday, Salt Lake City, to Page, AZ, Thursday, Page AZ to Miami AZ.  Friday Miami AZ to CG AZ.  WOW that's alot of miles.  We have currently traveled 1,696 miles!  Pray for us to have safe traveling mercies.  I'll snap pictures along the way.  And mom & I will be hanging on for dear life in the backseat! :)

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