Thursday, June 6, 2013

1,447 miles later - we finally made it to South Dakota!

We left our lovely oasis of Ft Collins.  The trip through Wyoming was uneventful.  I think more antelope than people live in that state!  The landscape is similiar to New Mexico except it is GREEN, where New Mexico was pretty brown.  Flat lands mostly.  Here's a few pics.  We didn't do much touring, because there was NOTHING to see!

I took this from a rest area in Wyoming

Off in the distance, the Platte River
We then got into South Dakota, as soon as we crossed into the state Dain spotted 3 large bucks, but of course I did not have my camera out & ready.  We drove through a lovely little town called Custer City, and then we took the scenic route through Custer State Park.  Lots of critters were spotted, deer, antelope (ugh) wild burros, turkey & buffalo.
Babbling brook in Custer State Park

Downtown Custer City

Downtown Custer City

Wild Burros

A street named after my brother!

Even the birds have B & B's!  They were occupied too!

These things are EVERYWHERE!!

What we came over here to see - BUFFALO

We then saw a flock of about 8 turkeys, no place to pull over so the pic isn't too great!
We checked into our room at Ellsworth Air Force Base (a perk if you retire from the service, Evan you should really consider retiring from the military!!)  Lots of benefits - esp. health & dental when you are OLD.  Ok enough of that.  Back to the accommodations, they are SWEET!  The room is like a one bedroom apartment.  And there is even a full service laundry mat to use - just buy the detergent!  We ate in the chow hall with the troops today.  Not too bad of food.  Here's a few pics of the room, and the best part is it is $50 a night!!!
Full kitchen

Living Room

Bedroom (no potty pic, we've all seen one of those)
This will be our base camp (ha ha get it "base") for the next 3 nights.  TOMORROW IS MT. RUSHMORE!!  I'm so very excited.

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