Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Seven Falls - Colorado Springs

We visited this great park today.  Seven Falls - named for the seven falls that cascade off the mountain.  You can get to the top of these falls by either climbing stairs or taking an elevator.  Mom and dad took the elevator, Dain & I took the stairs.  The pictures we got don't give this place justice.  It is GREAT.  We even got to get in a hike.  Mom and dad took in the sites of the various gift shops and we hiked a few trails.  Check out the Seven Falls website by clicking here: http://www.sevenfalls.com/

Whose idea was this? Altitude & stairs...

Left of the stairs is the old tracks that were used to haul people up top.  Now there is an elevator!

That's mom & dad up on the "Eagles Nest"

We climbed both the 185 stairs & 224 stairs

This is the landscaper getting ready to work

Tuesdays are clean up days, he picks up litter all around the park

I couldn't resist taking a pic of this sign, it's too funny to me!

Hiking trail

Up at Inspiration Point - view of Colorado Springs

This author is buried up on top

Again on the edge...

Even dad got in on the "stairs"
OK enough of Colorado Springs, off to Denver we go!

1 comment:

  1. I love the super encouraging sign that says, "Halfway to the top. Hang in there." This looks absolutely beautiful, and I'm so jealous. Love you guys!
